Who we are?
Sintel is a team of passionate professionals, each with hands-on experience within their specialist area. Their strength lies in flexibility to adapt and meet the needs of a constantly changing market. With the rise of digital and social channels, new businesses and specialisms have emerged. Sintel has evolved in step with these developments, restructuring as needed to maintain our vision whilst retaining our identity.
Relationships are at the heart of every assignment, and we strive to become genuine partners to both clients and candidates.
Our Vision
What makes us different
Through its approach and positioning, Sintel stands out from its competitors. Sintel is large and structured enough to manage ambitious missions but remains on a human scale to create and then maintain a relationship of trust. Each mission is managed by a recruitment manager who knows the sector in which he recruits. Two words define Sintel, Passion and Commitment.
The Sintel Group
Sintel is a subsidiary of Berli Holdings, an independent group dedicated to H.R. industries. Other member companies include Kijo, the model agency.Our intention is that Sintel continues to expand across new industries and services as our clients’ needs develop, and maintains it’s position as an independent market leader.
Our Team
Passionate about:
- Classical music
- Decoration
- Running & French Boxing
Geneviève Masse
Technical & Executive Search
Passionate about:
- Gastronomy
- Travelling
- Design
Clara Bernard
Service Sector | Finance
Passionate about:
- Horse riding
- Writing
- Tattoo
Sina Cissoko
Fashion | Creation
Passionate about:
- Safari
- Detective stories
- World cuisine
Khadija Rochdi
Passionate about:
- Taekwondo
- English Boxing
- Fruits
Erwan Lance-Boissière
Logistic | Supply Chain
Passionate about:
- Rap
- Weiner dogs
- Tennis
Nelly Bernard
Passionate about:
- Thrillers
- Horse riding
- Nougats
Office Manager
Passionate about:
- Obstacle race
- Baton twirling
- Columnist OCR
Audrey Sultan
Fashion | Couture
Passionate about:
- Cultural tours
- Fashion designers
- Chess
Jean-Pierre Djedje
Fashion & Development
Passionate about:
- Gastronomy
- Travelling
- Art
Passionate about:
- Chocolate mousse
- Travel to warm climates
- Fashion
Sandy Zaoui
Passionate about:
- family
- Fashion
- Passion repair
Jeremy Sylva
Assistant accountant
Passionate about:
- Running
- Chocolate
- Music
Our References
Les plus grandes enseignes de l’univers du luxe nous font confiance depuis plus de 15 ans mais également, entre autres, des grands noms de la publicité, de l’agro-alimentaire, des laboratoires pharmaceutiques et des entreprises du secteur public. N’hésitez pas à nous solliciter pour plus de détails.